Swiss1Chirurgie accepts international award
When the specialists at Swiss1Chirurgie look for the best ways to treat patients, it always has a lot to do with research, scientific work and the publication of the latest findings and methods.
The doctors at Swiss1Chirurgie under Prof. Dr. Jörg Zehetner specialise in obesity surgery as well as medical treatments under the umbrella term UpperGI. This includes, for example, interventions in the areas of reflux, diaphragmatic hernias, oesophageal and stomach cancer. Another field of work of Swiss1Chirurgie is visceral surgery, which is also colloquially referred to as abdominal surgery. In all these specialties, the medical professionals not only work on the patients themselves, but also, and above all, in parallel in the areas of research and further development of methods and techniques.
International prize goes to Swiss1Chirurgie
While Prof. Dr Jörg Zehetner was still attending the OESO Congress in Beijing, Swiss1Chirurgie received a special honour. At the ASMBS Meeting 2019 in November in Las Vegas, USA, Dr Catherine Tsai received the International Award for the best video presentation of a surgical procedure.
Dr Catherine Tsai has been working as a research assistant at Swiss1Chirurgie in Bern for the past two years, and her scientific research work significantly supports further development at the Swiss1Chirurgie sites in Switzerland.
In the video presentation “Laparoscopic Conversion from Gastric Sleeve to RY Gastric Bypass with Remnant Gastrectomy using Fluorescent Angiography” by Dr Tsai, Dr Steffen and Dr Zehetner, you can see the laparoscopic conversion from a sleeve (tubular stomach) to a gastric bypass, whereby here the remaining stomach was completely resected for medical reasons. Fluorescent angiography was used to check the blood flow in the gastric pouch and duodenum, as shown in this video.
Swiss1Chirurgie continues its series of successes
The latest award ceremony for Swiss1Chirurgie and thus also for the Centre for Bariatric Surgery ZfBC continues a series of successes that have long since made the specialists Dr Jörg Zehetner, Dr Catherine Tsai, Dr Steffen and Dr Metzger real experts with an international reputation. We only need to refer to the numerous publications and prizes that were awarded to Swiss1Chirurgie last year.
The medical specialists are less concerned with fame and more with scientific, methodical and ultimately medical progress in the interest of the patients. Various studies are being carried out with the Inselspital Bern as well as in the Swiss1Chirurgie clinics and the Centre for Bariatric Surgery. The results of such studies primarily benefit the patients of Swiss1Chirurgie, underpin the outstanding international reputation of the specialists and, last but not least, form the basis for new developments in the specialist areas of Swiss1Chirurgie.
For the sake of completeness, we summarise here the most important publications, lectures and awards of Swiss1Chirurgie from the past years:
Swiss1Chirurgie accepts international award
When the specialists at Swiss1Chirurgie look for the best ways to treat patients, it always has a lot to do with research, scientific work and the publication of the latest findings and methods.
The doctors at Swiss1Chirurgie under Prof. Dr. Jörg Zehetner specialise in obesity surgery as well as medical treatments under the umbrella term UpperGI. This includes, for example, interventions in the areas of reflux, diaphragmatic hernias, oesophageal and stomach cancer. Another field of work of Swiss1Chirurgie is visceral surgery, which is also colloquially referred to as abdominal surgery. In all these specialties, the medical professionals not only work on the patients themselves, but also, and above all, in parallel in the areas of research and further development of methods and techniques.
International prize goes to Swiss1Chirurgie
While Prof. Dr Jörg Zehetner was still attending the OESO Congress in Beijing, Swiss1Chirurgie received a special honour. At the ASMBS Meeting 2019 in November in Las Vegas, USA, Dr Catherine Tsai received the International Award for the best video presentation of a surgical procedure.
Dr Catherine Tsai has been working as a research assistant at Swiss1Chirurgie in Bern for the past two years, and her scientific research work significantly supports further development at the Swiss1Chirurgie sites in Switzerland.
In the video presentation “Laparoscopic Conversion from Gastric Sleeve to RY Gastric Bypass with Remnant Gastrectomy using Fluorescent Angiography” by Dr Tsai, Dr Steffen and Dr Zehetner, you can see the laparoscopic conversion from a sleeve (tubular stomach) to a gastric bypass, whereby here the remaining stomach was completely resected for medical reasons. Fluorescent angiography was used to check the blood flow in the gastric pouch and duodenum, as shown in this video.
Swiss1Chirurgie continues its series of successes
The latest award ceremony for Swiss1Chirurgie and thus also for the Centre for Bariatric Surgery ZfBC continues a series of successes that have long since made the specialists Dr Jörg Zehetner, Dr Catherine Tsai, Dr Steffen and Dr Metzger real experts with an international reputation. We only need to refer to the numerous publications and prizes that were awarded to Swiss1Chirurgie last year.
The medical specialists are less concerned with fame and more with scientific, methodical and ultimately medical progress in the interest of the patients. Various studies are being carried out with the Inselspital Bern as well as in the Swiss1Chirurgie clinics and the Centre for Bariatric Surgery. The results of such studies primarily benefit the patients of Swiss1Chirurgie, underpin the outstanding international reputation of the specialists and, last but not least, form the basis for new developments in the specialist areas of Swiss1Chirurgie.
For the sake of completeness, we summarise here the most important publications, lectures and awards of Swiss1Chirurgie from the past years:
Swiss1Chirurgie Research Fellowship (2017-2019)
Conferences (number of presentations)
- International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders-European Chapter (IFSO-EC), Athens, Greece, May 2018 (3)
- European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), London, UK, May 2018 (2)
- Digestive Disease Week – Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (DDW – SSAT), Washington DC, June 2018 (3)
- IFSO, Dubai, UAE September 2018, (4)
- American College of Surgeons (ACS), Boston, MA, October 2018 (2)
- SAGES, April 2019, Baltimore, MD (2)
- World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes (WCITD), April 2019, New York, NY (1)
- DDW, May 2019, San Diego, CA (1)
- Swiss Surgical Society, May 2019, Bern, Switzerland (6)
- ASMBS Obesity Week, November 2019, Las Vegas, Nevada (2)
Publications (4)
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Merki H, Zehetner J, “Short-term outcomes of endoscopic gastro-jejunal revisions for treatment of dumping syndrome after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass,” Surgical Endoscopy, September 2019
- Tsai C, Zeheter J, Beel J, Steffen R, “Long-term outcomes and frequency of revisional bariatric surgeries beyond 15 years after gastric banding: A high band failure rate with safe revisions,” SOARD, February 2019
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Steffen R, Merki H, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic Gastrojejunal Revisions Following Gastric Bypass: Lessons Learned In More Than 100 Consecutive Patients,” Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, September 2018
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Steffen R, Merki H, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic Closure of Gastro-gastric Fistula After Gastric Bypass: a Technically Feasible Procedure but Associated with Low Success Rate,” Obesity Surgery, September 2018
Oral Presentations (16)
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation for Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease after Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass” (Video) ASMBS November 5, 2019
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, Steffen R, “Laparoscopic Conversion from Gastric Sleeve to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with Remnant Gastrectomy using Fluorescent Angiography” (Video) ASMBS November 6, 2019
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, Bally L, Steffen R, “Impact of roux-en-y gastric bypass alimentary limb length on long-term weight loss, diabetes, and dumping syndrome outcomes,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland May 17, 2019
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, Beel J, Steffen R, “Long-term outcomes and frequency of revisional bariatric surgeries 15 years and beyond after gastric banding: A high band failure rate with safe revisions,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland May 16, 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Lipham J, Zehetner J, “Post-operative dysphagia following magnetic sphincter augmentation for gastroesophageal reflux disease,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland, May 15, 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic gastro-jejunal revisions for treatment of dumping syndrome after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,” SAGES, Baltimore, MA April 4, 2019
- Tsai C, Zeheter J, “Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair with Posterior Cruroplasty and Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation in a Patient with GERD and Large Type III Hiatal Hernia,” ACS, Boston, Massachusetts, October 24, 2018 (video)
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Laparoscopic Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation with routine Posterior Cruroplasty: Postoperative Dysphagia and Hiatal Hernia Recurrence,” ACS, Boston, Massachusetts, October 25, 2018 (quickshot)
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, Kessler U, Steffen R, “Long-term results of pancreatectomy for post-gastric bypass hypoglycemia,” IFSO, Dubai, UAE, September 27, 2018
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, “Conversion of gastric banding to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with perfusion assessment using laser-assisted fluorescence angiography,” IFSO, Dubai, UAE, September 27, 2018 (video)
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, “Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with perfusion assessment using laser-assisted fluorescence angiography,” IFSO Dubai, UAE, September 28, 2018 (video)
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic gastrojejunal revisions following gastric bypass: lessons learned in more than 100 consecutive procedures,” Digestive Disease Week (SSAT sessions), Washington DC, June 5, 2018
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic closure of gastro-gastric fistula after gastric bypass: a technically feasible procedure but associated with low success-rate,” Digestive Disease Week (SSAT sessions), Washington DC, June 4, 2018
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Dumping syndrome after gastric bypass: endoluminal revision of the dilated gastrojejunostomy is a safe and highly effective treatment option,” presented as oral presentation as part of Best Abstracts session at International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, European Chapter (IFSO-EC), Athens, Greece, May 19, 2018
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, Kessler U, Steffen R, “Outcomes 15 years and beyond following adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity: high band failure rate with safe revisions,” IFSO-EC, Athens, Greece, May 17, 2018
- Tsai C, Steffen R, “Re-sleeve with silastic ring and crurorhaphy in a rare case of severe hyperinsulimic hypoglycemia after sleeve gastrectomy,” IFSO-EC, Athens, Greece, May 18, 2018 (video)
Poster Presentations (10)
- Tsai C, Zehetner J, Bally L, Steffen R, “Long-term weight loss, diabetes, and dumping syndrome outcomes after short versus long alimentary limb roux-en-y gastric bypass,” DDW (SSAT sessions), San Diego, CA May 21, 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Perfusion assessment using laser-assisted fluorescence angiography during conversion of gastric band to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland May 15-17, 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair with posterior cruroplasty and magnetic sphincter augmentation in patient with refux and large type III hiatal hernia,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland, May 15-17, 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Zehetner J, “Gastroesophageal reflux disease after bariatric surgery: Magnetic sphincter augmentation in patients with normal esophageal motility,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland, May 15-17, 2019
- Tsai C, Herzig D, Zehetner J, Kosinski C, Kunezli C, Stauffer TP, Nett P, Steffen R, Stettler C, Bally L, “Incretin response in patients with postprandial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia following gastric bypass surgery with or without extended distal pancreatectomy,” World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes (WCITD), New York, NY, April 8-10, 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Lipham J, Zehetner J, “Post-operative Dysphagia Following Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease,” SAGES, Baltimore, April 3 – 6 2019
- Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Zehetner J, “Gastroesophageal reflux disease after bariatric surgery: magnetic sphincter augmentation in patients with normal esophageal motility,” IFSO, Dubai, UAE, September 26-29, 2018
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Dumping syndrome after gastric bypass: endoluminal revision of the dilated gastrojejunostomy is a safe and highly effective treatment option,” DDW (SSAT sessions), Washington DC on June 5, 2018
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic gastrojejunal revisions following gastric bypass: lessons learned in more than 100 consecutive procedures,” European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES) in London, United Kingdom May 31-June 1 2018
- Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic closure of gastro-gastric fistula after gastric bypass: a technically feasible procedure but associated with low success-rate,” EAES, London, United Kingdom May 31-June 1 2018
- Best Video Presentation International Award, ASMBS Obesity Week, 2019
- SSAT Resident and Fellowship session honoree, Digestive Disease Week, 2018
- Best Video Presentation, IFSO, 2018